Herbal Remedies To Keep You and Your Family Healthy

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meet KATIE

So, picture this: one day, bam! I wake up and my hearing's gone, thanks to an autoimmune curveball. Doctor after doctor after doctor, with little to no answers...

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. And you know what I found? Plants. Yup, those green wonders that grow in our gardens and forests. They became my path to healing.

Now, here I am, your friendly neighborhood herbalist, ready to share all I've learned.

My mission? To arm YOU with the knowledge and tools to not just survive, but to thrive. God's got our backs with this amazing array of herbs, and it's time we tap into them.

So, are you ready to get planted?

What I'm up to...

Katie right now


Incredible Wild Edibles: 36 Plants That Can Change Your Life by Samuel Thayer


Chamomile, echinacea, lemon balm, & lavender


Fire Ciders

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