Homemade DIY Blush Cream Recipe With Two Ingredients

Have you ever wanted to create your own makeup with natural ingredients? Making your own DIY Blush Cream is a great way to avoid nasty ingredients and have complete control over what you put on your skin.

DIY Blush Cream

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In this article, we'll show you how to make a simple DIY cream blush using just two ingredients. This easy recipe is perfect for anyone, even if you've never made your own skincare products before.

We'll cover the benefits of using natural ingredients, the specific ingredients you'll need, and the step-by-step instructions to make your own homemade cream blush. By the end of this article, you'll know how to create a beautiful, natural blush that suits your skin tone and type.

Want to make your own DIY Blush Cream instead? Check out this recipe!

Benefits of Homemade Natural Blush Cream

Skin-Friendly Ingredients

Making your own DIY cream blush recipe means you can avoid harsh chemicals and synthetic additives often found in store-bought products. Instead, you'll use nourishing, natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin. This is especially great for people with dry skin or skin irritations, as homemade cream blushes are more likely to be soothing and moisturizing.


One of the best ways to ensure your blush suits your personal preferences is to make it yourself. You can adjust the shade and texture to match your skin tone and type. Whether you want a peachy glow, a dewy finish, or something more matte, you can customize your DIY blush recipe. Experiment with natural pigments like cocoa powder, mica powder, or hibiscus powder to create different colors.


Buying skincare products and makeup can be expensive. Making your own cream blush at home is a great way to save money. You don't need to special-order bulk items or invest in costly ingredients. With just a few simple ingredients, like coconut oil and beetroot powder, you can make enough color to last a long time. Plus, you can reuse small containers or empty lip balm tins to store your homemade blush, making it an even more affordable option.

Creating your own DIY cream blush is a fun, easy, and economical way to enhance your beauty routine while taking care of your skin.

DIY Blush Cream with beetroot powder

The 2 Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Beetroot Powder

  • Natural Colorant: Beetroot powder is a natural pigment that adds a beautiful, rosy color to your blush. It's perfect for creating a simple DIY blush that looks natural and suits any skin type.
  • Rich in Antioxidants and Vitamins: Beetroot powder is packed with antioxidants and vitamins, which are great for your skin. These nutrients help protect your skin and keep it healthy, making beetroot powder a fantastic choice for homemade skin care products.

Shea Butter

  • Moisturizing and Nourishing: Shea butter is known for its moisturizing properties. It helps keep your skin smooth and hydrated, which is especially important if you have dry skin. This makes it a key ingredient for a homemade blush cream that won't dry out your skin like some powder blushes can.
  • Rich in Vitamins A and E: Shea butter contains vitamins A and E, which are beneficial for skin health. These vitamins help nourish your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and promoting a healthy, dewy look. Using shea butter in your DIY blush recipe ensures that your blush not only adds color but also cares for your skin.

These two ingredients combine to create a blush that is both beautiful and beneficial for your skin. Plus, you can store your homemade blush in a small container or empty lip gloss tin, keeping it fresh and ready to use anytime.

Tools Needed

  • Measuring Spoons: For accurately measuring your ingredients.
  • Mixing Bowls: Use a small bowl to mix the ingredients together.
  • Double Boiler or Heat-Safe Bowl and Pot: For melting the shea butter safely without burning it.
  • Small Containers for Storing the Blush: You can use empty containers, lip gloss tins, or airtight containers to store your homemade blush cream once it cools.
DIY Blush Cream Recipe

Step-by-Step Instructions For DIY Blush Cream

1. Prepare the Ingredients

  • Measure out the ingredients: To fill two 2-ounce tins, you will need:
    • 4 tablespoons of shea butter
    • 2 teaspoons of beetroot powder

2. Melt the Shea Butter

  • Use a double boiler: Place the 4 tablespoons of shea butter in a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl over a pot of simmering water. Heat until the shea butter is completely melted and liquid.

3. Add Beetroot Powder

  • Gradually add beetroot powder: Slowly add the 2 teaspoons of beetroot powder to the melted shea butter. Stir constantly to ensure the color is evenly mixed.

4. Customize the Shade

  • To Make It Darker: Add a bit more beetroot powder, a pinch at a time, until you reach your desired shade. Stir well after each addition.
  • To Make It Brighter: Add a small amount of arrowroot powder to lighten the color slightly and make it more vibrant. Start with 1/4 teaspoon and adjust as needed.
  • To Make It More Muted: Mix in a tiny amount of cacao powder to give the blush a more muted, earthy tone. Start with a pinch and increase slowly to achieve the desired effect.
DIY Blush Cream

5. Mix Thoroughly

  • Ensure the mixture is smooth and free of lumps: Continue stirring the mixture until it has a smooth texture and there are no lumps of beetroot powder or any other added powders.

6. Pour and Set

  • Pour the mixture into small containers: Carefully pour the blush mixture into two 2-ounce tins or other small containers.
  • Let it cool and solidify: Allow the mixture to cool and set until it becomes a solid cream blush. This may take a few hours, so be patient.

Tips for Application

  • How to Apply: Use clean fingers, a blending sponge, or a blush brush to apply the blush to your cheeks.
  • Blending: Blend well for a natural look.
  • Layering: Start with a small amount and build up the color as needed.

Your homemade DIY blush cream is now ready to use! Enjoy your natural, skin-friendly blush made with just two simple ingredients and customized to your perfect shade.

Tips for Customizing Your Blush Cream

Adjusting the Color

  • Add more beetroot powder for a deeper shade: If you want a richer, more intense color, gradually add more beetroot powder until you reach the desired depth.
  • Use less beetroot powder for a lighter tint: For a softer, more subtle blush, use less beetroot powder. Add small amounts until you achieve the light tint you prefer.
  • To Make It More Muted: Mix in a tiny amount of cocoa powder to give the blush a more muted, earthy tone. Start with a pinch and increase slowly to achieve the desired effect.

Changing the Texture

  • Adjust the amount of shea butter: To change the consistency of your blush cream:
    • For a firmer texture: Use more shea butter.
    • For a creamier texture: Use less shea butter or add a small amount of coconut oil or jojoba oil for added smoothness.
Tips for Application of blush cream

Tips for Application

  • How to Apply: Use clean fingers, a blending sponge, or a blush brush to apply the blush to your cheeks.
  • Blending: Blend well for a natural look.
  • Layering: Start with a small amount and build up the color as needed.

Your homemade DIY blush cream is now ready to use! Enjoy your natural, skin-friendly blush made with just two simple ingredients and customized to your perfect shade.

How long does homemade blush cream last?

Homemade blush cream can last up to 6 months if stored properly. To maximize its shelf life, keep it in an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or heat, which can cause the ingredients to degrade faster.

Can I use other natural colorants?

Yes, you can use other natural colorants to create different shades of blush. Here are some suggestions:
Cocoa Powder: For a more muted, earthy tone.
Hibiscus Powder: For a bright pink or rosy hue.
Mica Powder: Available in various colors, mica powder can add shimmer and different shades to your blush.Feel free to experiment with these options to find the perfect color for your skin tone.

Is it safe for sensitive skin?

This DIY blush cream is generally safe for sensitive skin because it uses natural, gentle ingredients like shea butter and beetroot powder. However, it's always a good idea to perform a patch test before using any new skincare product. Apply a small amount of the blush cream to the back of your hand or the inside of your wrist and wait 24 hours to see if any irritation occurs.

Can I make a vegan version?

Yes, this recipe is already vegan. It uses shea butter and beetroot powder, which are both plant-based ingredients. If you choose to add any essential oils or other additives, make sure they are also vegan to maintain the integrity of your DIY blush cream.


Using a homemade natural blush cream has many advantages. You avoid harsh chemicals and synthetic additives found in store-bought products, making it safer and more skin-friendly.

The nourishing ingredients, like beetroot powder and shea butter, are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, promoting healthy skin. Additionally, making your own blush allows you to customize the shade and texture to suit your skin tone and personal preferences. Plus, it’s a cost-effective solution that saves money and reduces waste.

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Why not give it a try? Making your own blush cream at home is simple and fun. You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what’s in your makeup and the freedom to create a product that’s perfect for you.

Grab your ingredients and start crafting your personalized, natural blush cream today! Share your creations and experiences in the comments below. Enjoy the process and the beautiful results!

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