5 Best Herbal Tea For Nausea and Upset Stomach

Nausea isn't just uncomfortable—it can seriously disrupt your day. Whether it's caused by a medical condition, pregnancy, or simply an upset stomach, finding natural relief is a priority for many. Herbal teas not only offer a soothing, warm remedy but can also provide effective relief from nausea. This blog explores the best herbal teas for nausea, their benefits, and tips on how to prepare them.

5 Best Herbal Tea For Nausea and Upset Stomach

Feelings of nausea can be triggered by a lot of different things—like eating spoiled food, catching a stomach bug, feeling really stressed, or even being pregnant. Basically, it’s your body’s way of saying something is wrong.

Now, let's talk about a soothing and natural way to handle nausea: a hot cup of herbal tea. These herbal teas aren’t just comforting because they’re warm; they contain specific ingredients that help calm your stomach. When you drink herbal tea, it works by relaxing your stomach muscles and reducing the urge to vomit. It’s a gentle approach that can really make a difference when you feel sick.

5 Best Herbal Tea For Nausea and Upset Stomach

Herbal teas are great because they're easy to prepare, gentle on your stomach, and can quickly make you feel better. Next up, we’ll explore which herbal teas are best for nausea and how you can use them to start feeling better.

5 Best Herbal Tea for Nausea

1. Ginger Tea

Benefits for Nausea and Digestive Health

Ginger tea tops the list when it comes to a natural remedy for nausea. This spicy root has been used for centuries to combat all sorts of stomach upsets, including nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. The secret lies in gingerol, a powerful compound in ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. When you sip ginger tea, it helps relax the stomach muscles and settles the nausea pretty effectively. Whether you're dealing with morning sickness, motion sickness, or nausea from chemotherapy, ginger tea can be a real game-changer.

How to Brew and Use

Brewing ginger tea is straightforward and can be as simple or as fancy as you like:

  1. Start with Fresh Ginger: For the best results, use fresh or dried ginger root. Peel and grate about one inch of ginger.
  2. Boil Water: Bring a cup of water to a boil.
  3. Steep the Ginger: Add the grated ginger to the boiling water. Turn the heat down and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. This slow simmer helps extract the active compounds from the ginger.
  4. Strain and Serve: Strain the tea into a cup. If the taste is too strong, you can dilute it with more hot water.
  5. Add Flavor (Optional): If you find the taste of ginger a bit too zingy, soften it with a spoonful of honey or a splash of lemon juice. These add-ons not only make the tea tastier but also pack their own stomach-soothing benefits.
  6. For those experiencing nausea, sip ginger tea slowly, ideally in the morning or 20-30 minutes before traveling if motion sickness is the issue. It’s best enjoyed warm for the most soothing effect on the stomach.

Ginger tea not only helps with nausea but can also boost your overall digestive health when consumed regularly. It’s a comforting, simple remedy that’s perfect for anyone looking to ease their stomach naturally and gently.

Peppermint Tea

Benefits for Soothing the Stomach

Peppermint tea is another fantastic herbal remedy that works wonders for the stomach, especially when it comes to nausea and indigestion. The star component here is menthol, the active oil in peppermint leaves, which has a naturally soothing effect on the muscles of the digestive tract. This soothing capability makes it an excellent choice for reducing the spasms and contractions that contribute to nausea.

In addition to easing nausea, peppermint tea can help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including bloating and gas. Its refreshing, cooling effect also makes it a favorite for those who need a quick stress reliever, as stress can often exacerbate stomach issues and nausea.

Recommended Brewing Practices

Making peppermint tea is both easy and rewarding, with a few tips to get the most out of your brew:

  1. Choose the Right Peppermint: You can use either fresh peppermint leaves or dried peppermint tea bags. Fresh leaves will give a more vibrant mint flavor if you have them available.
  2. Boil Water: Start by boiling water. For the most flavor, it’s best to use water just off the boil around 205°F (96°C).
  3. Steep Correctly: If you’re using fresh peppermint leaves, tear or chop the leaves to release more of the oils, and use about one tablespoon per cup of water. For dried tea or a tea bag, one bag or teaspoon per cup is sufficient. Place the leaves or bag in your cup or teapot.
  4. Pour and Let It Steep: Pour the hot water over the peppermint and let it steep for 5-10 minutes, depending on how strong you like it. The longer you let it steep, the more menthol will be released, enhancing the soothing effects on your stomach.
  5. Strain and Enjoy: Strain the leaves from the pot or remove the tea bag. No need to add anything else, as the natural flavors are invigorating and pleasant on their own. However, a touch of honey can be added if a sweeter drink is preferred.
  6. For nausea relief, drink peppermint tea as needed, especially after meals or whenever nausea strikes. Its calming effect on the stomach can provide quick relief and make you feel more comfortable. It’s a great option for a natural, soothing treatment that’s also refreshing and easy to prepare.

Chamomile Tea

How it Helps with Nausea and Anxiety-Related Stomach Issues

Chamomile tea is like a gentle, soothing hug for your stomach. It’s particularly known for its calming effects, which can greatly benefit those who suffer from nausea caused by anxiety and stress. The magic of chamomile comes from its compounds like bisabolol and matricin, which have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. These compounds help relax the muscles in your digestive tract, reducing the spasms that can lead to vomiting and upset stomach.

Moreover, chamomile’s mild sedative effects can help calm the mind, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety that often exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms. Whether it’s anxiety-induced nausea or discomfort from indigestion, chamomile tea serves as a perfect natural remedy to ease your symptoms and promote overall relaxation.

5 Best Herbal Tea For Nausea and Upset Stomach

Tips for Brewing

Brewing a perfect cup of chamomile tea is all about maximizing those soothing effects:

  1. Select Quality Chamomile: You can use either dried chamomile flowers or chamomile tea bags. Loose flowers often provide a fresher, more potent tea, but tea bags are convenient and effective.
  2. Heat the Water: Bring water to just below boiling, around 200°F (93°C). Overheating can destroy some of the delicate flavors and beneficial oils in chamomile.
  3. Steep Properly: Use about one tablespoon of dried flowers or one tea bag per cup of water. Place the chamomile in your teapot or cup and pour the hot water over it.
  4. Cover While Steeping: Cover the tea while it steeps to keep all the steam and essential oils in the cup. This ensures that the medicinal qualities of the chamomile are as concentrated as possible.
  5. Steep Time: Let the chamomile steep for about 5 minutes. Longer steeping times can be used for a stronger tea, but keep in mind that the flavor might become slightly more bitter as the tea strength increases.
  6. Strain and Serve: Strain the chamomile flowers from the tea or remove the tea bag. Chamomile tea has a naturally sweet, floral flavor, so you might not need any additives. However, a teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon can be added to enhance the flavor and add to the soothing effects.
  7. Drinking chamomile tea in the evening can help settle your stomach before bed, reducing nausea and preparing you for a restful night's sleep. It’s also great after meals or during stressful days when you might feel more anxious and prone to nausea. With its mild flavor and calming properties, chamomile tea is a wonderful choice for anyone looking to soothe their stomach and relax their mind.

Fennel Tea

Benefits for Nausea and Overall Digestive Health

Fennel tea is a bit of an unsung hero when it comes to digestive health. This aromatic tea is made from the seeds of the fennel plant and is packed with beneficial compounds like anethole, which is known for its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. These qualities make fennel tea excellent for soothing nausea, easing bloating, and reducing gas and abdominal discomfort.

Moreover, fennel tea can help relax the gastrointestinal tract, which is particularly beneficial for those suffering from IBS or acid reflux. The relaxing effect on the gut can prevent the spasms that often lead to nausea and discomfort. Fennel tea also promotes healthy digestion by helping to regulate the contractions of the stomach and intestines and supporting the body’s natural process of breaking down food.

Brewing Techniques

Brewing fennel tea is simple and straightforward, but a few tips can enhance its flavor and digestive benefits:

  1. Choose Your Fennel: You can use fennel seeds, which you'll crush lightly before brewing to release their oil and flavor, or you can purchase pre-packaged fennel tea bags for convenience.
  2. Prepare the Seeds: If using fennel seeds, take about a teaspoon of them and lightly crush them with a mortar and pestle. This releases the oils that contain the beneficial properties.
  3. Boil Water: Bring water to a boil. For fennel tea, hot water is essential to extract all the flavors and medicinal qualities from the seeds.
  4. Steep the Fennel: Add the crushed seeds or tea bag to a cup or teapot. Pour boiling water over the seeds and cover the cup or teapot. Let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Covering the tea as it steeps helps keep all the essential oils in the tea rather than evaporating into the air.
  5. Strain and Serve: Strain the fennel seeds from the water or remove the tea bag. Fennel tea has a natural sweet, licorice-like flavor that many enjoy, but you can add a bit of honey or a splash of lemon if desired.

    For those dealing with nausea or digestive issues, fennel tea can be consumed one to two times daily. It's particularly effective when taken right after meals or at the first sign of stomach discomfort. With its pleasant taste and soothing effects, fennel tea is a great addition to any daily routine focused on maintaining or improving digestive health.

Licorice Root Tea

Why It's Effective for Gastrointestinal Issues

Licorice root tea is renowned for its effectiveness against various gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, stomach ulcers, and acid reflux. The magic of licorice root lies in its compound glycyrrhizin, which has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. This compound helps soothe gastrointestinal irritation by coating the stomach lining with a protective gel. In doing so, it not only relieves the discomfort associated with ulcers and acid but also helps to calm nausea.

Moreover, licorice root has mild laxative effects that can help with constipation, another common digestive issue. It also supports overall digestion by increasing bile production, which helps the body break down food more efficiently and absorb nutrients better. For those dealing with chronic indigestion or heartburn, licorice root tea can be a comforting and natural remedy.

Best Herbal Tea For Nausea

Best Practices for Brewing

Brewing licorice root tea properly can maximize its benefits and enhance its unique sweet flavor:

  1. Select High-Quality Licorice Root: You can find dried licorice root in health food stores, either in whole sticks or sliced. The quality of the root will greatly influence the effectiveness of the tea.
  2. Prepare the Root: If using whole or sliced licorice root, use about one teaspoon per cup of water. You might want to lightly crush or chop the root to increase the surface area, which helps extract more of the beneficial compounds during brewing.
  3. Boil Water: Bring water to a full boil. Licorice root requires hot water to properly release its flavors and medicinal properties.
  4. Steep the Licorice Root: Add the licorice root to your pot or tea infuser, and then pour the boiling water over it. Cover the pot or cup to prevent the escape of steam and essential oils.
  5. Steep Time: Let the licorice root steep for about 7 to 10 minutes. Longer steeping times will extract more of the glycyrrhizin, enhancing both the tea’s flavor and its soothing effects.
  6. Strain and Enjoy: Strain the tea into a cup. Licorice root naturally has a very sweet flavor, often described as similar to anise or fennel, so you may not need to add any sweeteners.

Licorice root tea is best enjoyed in moderation due to its potent effects. Drinking one to two cups per day is usually sufficient. It’s particularly beneficial when consumed before meals to prep the digestive system or after meals to soothe any irritation that may occur.

With its sweet taste and powerful soothing properties, licorice root tea is a delightful and effective way to manage various gastrointestinal issues and improve overall digestive health.

How to Choose the Right Tea for Nausea

Nausea Due to Pregnancy

For nausea commonly known as morning sickness during early pregnancy, ginger tea is a popular choice. It's effective and generally safe for pregnant women when used in moderate amounts. Ginger helps to settle the stomach and can reduce the frequency and severity of nausea. If you can't get ginger tea down, try a ginger supplement or ginger extract. Vitamin B (B6) can also be a good choice to help mitigate first trimester nausea. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new remedy during pregnancy.

I've also found this pregnancy tincture to be beneficial for my own pregnancy nausea. 

2. Nausea from Chemotherapy

Patients undergoing chemotherapy might find relief in peppermint tea, which is excellent for soothing the stomach and helping to reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea. Peppermint can also help relieve the stress and anxiety associated with chemotherapy sessions. Chamomile is another good option, as it helps with relaxation and can aid sleep, which can be disrupted by treatment schedules and stress.

3. General Upset Stomach

If your nausea is from stomach aches due to indigestion or eating something disagreeable, chamomile tea and peppermint tea are both excellent choices. Chamomile helps reduce muscle spasms and inflammation in the digestive tract, while peppermint relaxes the stomach muscles and can help gas pass more easily, relieving discomfort.

4. Nausea from Motion Sickness

For those who suffer from motion sickness, ginger tea is again the top recommendation. Its properties help calm the stomach and prevent the queasiness associated with travel. Drinking a cup of ginger tea about 30 minutes before traveling can help prevent the onset of symptoms.

5. Nausea Due to Anxiety or Stress

Chamomile tea is ideal for nausea related to anxiety or stress, thanks to its mild sedative effects, which help calm the mind and, in turn, soothe the stomach. Fennel tea is another great choice as it can help relax the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the stomach spasms that might occur with anxiety.

Best Herbal Tea For Nausea

Preparation Tips and Best Practices

Brewing herbal tea might seem straightforward, but a few key steps can significantly enhance its effectiveness, especially when you're using it to combat nausea. Here are some essential tips for brewing herbal teas and additional ingredients you might consider to boost their soothing effects.

How to Brew Herbal Teas for Optimal Effectiveness

  1. Water Quality: Start with fresh, cold water. If your tap water is heavily chlorinated or has a strong taste or odor, consider using filtered or bottled water to ensure the purest flavor and prevent any interference with the benefits of the herbs.
  2. Proper Temperature: Each type of herbal tea may have its own ideal water temperature for extraction. For instance, delicate herbs like chamomile and mint are best brewed with water just below boiling (about 200°F), whereas tougher, more resilient herbs like ginger can handle boiling water (212°F).
  3. Cover While Steeping: Always cover your tea while it steeps to keep heat and essential oils in the water. These oils are often responsible for the therapeutic effects of herbal teas.
  4. Steeping Time: Be patient and allow the tea to steep long enough to draw out the beneficial compounds. Typically, herbal teas should steep for 5 to 10 minutes, but some roots like ginger and licorice may benefit from simmering for 10 to 15 minutes to fully extract their properties.
  5. Dosage: Use the right amount of herbs. A general guideline is to use about one teaspoon of dried herbs or one tablespoon of fresh herbs per cup of water. Adjust according to taste and the herb’s potency.
  6. Additional Ingredients to Enhance Relief

To make your herbal tea even more effective at relieving nausea, consider adding one or more of the following:

  • Honey: Adding honey to your tea can not only improve the flavor but also offer additional soothing properties for the throat and digestive system. Honey is gentle on the stomach and can help counteract acidity.
  • Lemon: A squeeze of lemon not only adds a refreshing twist but also contributes vitamin C and can help cleanse the stomach, aiding digestion and increasing the anti-nausea effects.
  • Mint: For teas not already containing mint, a few fresh mint leaves can enhance the soothing effects on the digestive system, helping to relieve symptoms like nausea and abdominal discomfort.
  • Cinnamon: A pinch of cinnamon can help stabilize blood sugar levels, which is beneficial because fluctuations can sometimes contribute to nausea. Cinnamon also has additional anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ginger: If your tea isn’t ginger-based and you're dealing with serious nausea, adding a few slices of fresh ginger or a pinch of dried ginger powder can amplify the anti-nausea effects significantly.

    By carefully selecting and preparing your herbal teas with these tips and additional ingredients, you can maximize their soothing effects on nausea and enhance overall digestive health. This approach allows you to enjoy a natural, calming remedy that is both effective and enjoyable to consume.

Lifestyle Tips to Complement Herbal Tea Consumption

While herbal teas are a great tool for managing nausea, they're most effective when paired with appropriate lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Here are some tips to help you enhance their benefits and reduce episodes of nausea.

Dietary Changes and Habits to Reduce Nausea

  1. Eat Small, Frequent Meals: Large meals can overwhelm your digestive system, especially if you're already feeling nauseous. Smaller, more frequent meals help prevent the stomach from becoming too full and can keep blood sugar levels steady.
  2. Avoid Greasy and Spicy Foods: These can irritate the stomach lining and exacerbate nausea. Stick to bland, easy-to-digest foods like toast, crackers, and rice when you're feeling queasy.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen nausea. Sip water throughout the day, but avoid drinking large amounts at once, as this can also upset your stomach. Herbal teas are excellent for staying hydrated while soothing your stomach.
  4. Keep Food and Beverages at Moderate Temperatures: Extremely hot or cold foods and drinks can trigger nausea. Aim for lukewarm or room temperature to avoid shocking your digestive system.
  5. Avoid Strong Smells: Strong odors like those from cooking foods, perfume, or smoke can trigger nausea. Fresh air can help, so try to keep your living and working spaces well-ventilated.
  6. Ginger and Peppermint: Incorporate these into your diet outside of tea consumption. Both can be used in cooking or consumed as candies, especially ginger, which is very effective at settling the stomach.

When to See a Doctor About Your Nausea

While occasional nausea is usually not a cause for concern, persistent or severe nausea might be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. Here are some indicators that it's time to consult a healthcare provider:

  • Nausea Lasts More Than a Few Days: If your nausea persists, especially if it's not related to a known cause like motion sickness or pregnancy, it's important to seek medical advice.
  • Accompanied by Vomiting: If nausea comes with vomiting, especially if you cannot keep liquids down, it can lead to dehydration and requires medical attention.
  • Severe Abdominal Pain or Discomfort: This can be a sign of various digestive issues, from ulcers to appendicitis.
  • Signs of Dehydration: These include very dark urine, dry mouth, dizziness, and excessive thirst.
  • Nausea After Medication: If new or existing medication seems to be causing nausea, talk to your healthcare provider about adjusting the dosage or switching medications.
  • Weight Loss: Unexpected weight loss accompanied by nausea could indicate a serious medical condition.
  • Combining these lifestyle and dietary changes with your consumption of herbal teas can significantly enhance your ability to manage nausea effectively. Remember, though, that while home remedies like herbal tea can be incredibly effective, they're not a substitute for professional medical advice when symptoms persist or worsen.

Can these teas be used by pregnant women?

Most herbal teas are safe for pregnant women when consumed in moderation, but it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider first. Ginger tea is widely recommended for morning sickness, but other teas, like licorice root, may not be suitable due to their potent effects on the body. When in doubt, it's essential to seek advice from a medical professional.

Are there any side effects to using herbal teas for nausea?

Herbal teas are generally safe for most people when used appropriately. However, excessive consumption can lead to side effects. For instance, too much peppermint tea might worsen heartburn, and excessive ginger consumption could lead to heartburn or stomach pain. Each herb can interact differently with medications, so it’s important to discuss herbal tea usage with your healthcare provider, especially if you are on medication.

How quickly can I expect relief after drinking these teas?

The speed at which you might experience relief from nausea can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the nausea and how your body reacts to herbal remedies. Generally, most people begin to feel better within a few minutes to an hour after drinking herbal tea. For some, it may take a few sessions of tea-drinking to see significant benefits.

Can children consume these herbal teas?

Yes, children can consume herbal teas, but in smaller quantities compared to adults. It’s crucial to adjust the strength of the tea and ensure it is mild enough for a child. Herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint are usually safe for children and can help alleviate nausea or digestive discomfort. However, always consult with a pediatrician before introducing herbal teas to ensure they are appropriate and safe for your child’s specific health needs.


Navigating through the discomfort of nausea doesn't always require medical interventions. Often, natural remedies like herbal teas can offer effective relief and support your overall digestive health. We've explored several top herbal teas that are known for their soothing effects on the stomach:

  • Ginger Tea: Ideal for all types of nausea, especially morning sickness and motion sickness, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Peppermint Tea: Excellent for relieving nausea associated with digestive problems and as a relaxant that soothes the intestines.
  • Chamomile Tea: Best for nausea caused by stress and anxiety, with added benefits for general digestive health.
  • Fennel Tea: Great for easing bloating and digestive spasms, making it suitable for those with IBS or similar conditions.
  • Licorice Root Tea: Effective in soothing gastrointestinal tissues, making it a good choice for those suffering from ulcers or acid reflux.

Each of these teas brings its unique blend of benefits, and when chosen wisely based on the cause of your nausea, can be a delightful and effective way to manage your symptoms. Integrating a cup of tea into your daily routine can help not only with managing nausea but also in promoting a calm, healthy digestive system as part of a holistic approach to health.

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